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Fluge oversetter Dyer Les artikkelen

Av: Alvyn R Dyer

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The real opportunity of greatness comes after we have become like unto Jesus in attribute, so that by the use of this power which emanates from one who keeps the laws, effective service can then be given unto others. To fail to exercise this prerogative, after having reached the doorway, would be a waste of the preparation and therefore a wrong. James, the apostle of realism who walked with the Master, has put it this
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is a sin. (James 4:17.)
The challenge which every leader in the Church, every missionary must accept, comes not for failing to keep the com- mandments as reflected in the standards of the Church. These, it is to be assumed, have been kept, leading to a position of responsibility. The real challenge is to that of excellence of service, that through the power of the gospel the lives of people may be touched and made better that they too can be made ready to serve others.
I have upon numerous occasions impressed upon the minds of the missionaries and others the admonition which Paul the apostle gave unto his beloved convert, Timothy, who as the bishop of the early Christian Church at Ephesus seemed to grow apathetic in his important church calling, perhaps due to the feeling of insecurity caused by the apostatic inroads that were being made on the Christian Church in that day. First, Paul reminded him of his heritage, of the faith that was in his mother and grandmother and then challenged him to greater service. His challenge bespeaks the power of the gospel.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testi- mony of our Lord. (2 Tim. 1:7, 8.)
This same power which can be the possession of every leader and missionary in the Church today, is manifested in many ways. An experience in Europe serves to emphasize this. Upon my first visit to Norway, early in 1960 a conference with
the members was to be held in Oslo. President Engebretsen wrote to me beforehand inquiring as to which interpreter, from a list of three he had submitted, would I desire to use. Among these were Brother Fluge who taught at the University of Oslo in the language department-he understands and speaks six languages. While he was a member of the Church, he was not a very active one. I advised the mission President that I should like to use Brother Fluge. While speaking in the morning ses- sion, with Brother Fluge interpreting, he received a witness, by the power of the Spirit, of the truth of the restored gospel. Interpretations at best normally requires careful and deliberate translation before the meaning of the words which the speaker has uttered can be transmitted to the congregation. But upon this occasion we were as one. Brother Fluge seemed to know beforehand what I was going to say and interpreted spontane- ously. At the end of my address, Brother Fluge, who had im- mediately seated himself, exhibiting the strain of the hour's time of the talk with perspiring forehead, told in his own words what had happened,
"I knew before President Dyer spoke each time as he waited for me to interpret, just what he was going to say."
He bore testimony that because of this incident he knew without doubt, that the gospel is true, and he felt that this had been a witness to him.
In an effort to be of service to the Church, to assist in an urgent need for translated lesson manuals and textbooks in Nor- wegian, he took a leave of absence from the university and is devoting his entire time to translating for the Church. His ac- complishments, in this respect, are many, and largely through his efforts we now have many more textbooks and manuals for the priesthoods and auxiliaries in that language.
From the standpoint of committed purpose, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has received the greatest challenge ever given to a people here upon this earth. This challenge is summarized by the Lord in one of the revelations,

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